6. 11. 2012

From Colombia with love... (en)

So far I haven't really kept my blog up to date. On the other hand there are so many amazing things happening almost every day that I wouldn't do anything but write. And that's a good sign - that means that I don't live only a virtual life, that means that I am not afraid to go out and do things. And it also means that I have people around with whom I can do all these amazing things. Why? Because alone you can't, alone the things are not that amazing. 

This weekend, even though I had different plans and really really wanted to go camping, turned out to be a nice weekend in the city. Starting on Friday with exploring new rock bar close to our place. Even though the concert wasn't the best one ever, I enjoyed the night in a great company of people I've known just for few weeks, but whom I can already proudly call friends. Saturday morning was dedicated to work in my "office" (in my favourite cafeteria). In the afternoon/evening we gathered with few friends in one cool apartment and cooked together Greek "Mplatsara" and Czech "Závin", drunk two bottles of great red wine, listened to hundreds of salsa songs and chatted about food. The night didn't end with the dinner, later we did something which I have been missing a lot - hanging out in a parque with friends and drinking Czech beer (even though I had just one bottle to share). Delicious! I finished the night at 3 a.m., no dear readers, not drunk actually pretty sober, but after loooong conversation about art, music, movies, life, love, history,...

Ok, we said, then let's do something on Sunday! And we did - we woke up...and decided to take it easy. And cancel our plan to go out of town. By coincidence I was invited for a lunch in my favourite place here - hostel Kasa Guane. I was lucky and was around just when my friend P8 was finishing his yummy soup. For exchange I offered him to make the dinner, something Czech. Around half past eight the food was ready - with a little help of my friends. And we could serve "vuřtguláš" with not-so-sweet bread, some sausages fried Czech style (ježečky) and few "bramboráky". A lot of food, hell yeah! But as the life always wants to make us happier he send in our way few more friends to help us with the food and to make our dinner experience nicer - we were nine people eating together and I loved the feeling of big family. I have already started to make plans to repeat it! (Not the same recipe though.)

These things are important, these things make my life. Little moments of sharing the joy with people around me who care. And there are many of them in my life here. So for those readers who know me and who care - you can sleep calmly, I am not alone. But it doesn't mean I don't miss you and wouldn't like to invite you to join us at the table. If I could really invite everyone I want to the table, we would need to make it on a football ground, that would be a hell of a dinner!!

The best moments in your life are always connected to great people...Where would we be without friends?

5. 11. 2012

Trip to the waterfalls/ Výlet k vodopádům (en/cz)

Last weekend (yes, it took me again some time to post it) we had a little adventure in the forrest. Although it was far from being a planned adventure. It was amazing and I will remember the time spent with my friends walking in the river for many weeks and months...

We decided to take a little break from the life in the city and on Sunday set of with few friends to nearby waterfalls. The aim was to do a little bit of exercise (walking about an hour) and then enjoy the waterfalls. The guys wanted to make it a little bit more interesting for us and wanted to come to the waterfalls directly through the river (about 10 minutes) - that would mean go to the river down the waterfalls and walk back up in the water. So was the plan...

What actually happend was, that we walked in the river for more than one hour and still hadn't reached any waterfalls, seems like we were not even getting close. At that point we decided to take a break and eat our lunches, sandwiches, fruits whatever we had - to relax and recover the energy. At that point we started to think that we might be in the wrong river...But as we enjoyed it, we decided to keep going...

Until, in another hour I think, we reached a beautiful place in the middle of the forest with a little falls, nothing big, but very very beautiful and quiet. We rested there, some of us took the chance and bathed a little bit. But soon we needed to go because it was getting late and we didn't want to have troubles after sunset.

The way back was much easier - at one point we left the river and started to walk up a little path among coffee fields. Even though the hill was steep it was still much easier than to walk on the stones in the river. After going up we got amazing views of the nature around (you can see on my pics)!! 

After walking downhill for another hour (that was already after the suset, but on a good and broad path) and slowly returning to the civilization we came back home tired, dirty, but very very happy!!!

Thank you guys!!

Minulý víkend (ano, opět mi to nějakou dobu trvalo sepsat to všechno) jsme si zažili malé lesní dobrodružství. Přestože to nebylo žádné plánované dobrodružství. Bylo to úžasné a já budu ještě dlouho vzpomínat na to, jak jsme s kamarády šli řekou...

Rozhodli jsme se odpočinout si na chvilku od města a v neděli jsme s pár kamarády vyrazili k nedalekým vodopádům. Cílem bylo trochu se protáhnout (asi tak hodinová procházka) a potom si vodopády pořádně užít. Kluci to pro nás chtěli udělat trochu zajímavější a naplánovali, že půjdeme kousek k vodopádům přímo řekou (posledních asi 10 minut) - to znamenalo sejít kousek pod vodopády a vrátit se k nim vodou. Plán zněl jasně...

Co se ale opravdu stalo bylo, že jsme šli řekou už něco přes hodinu a pořád jsme k žádným vodopádům nepřicházeli, dokonce to ani nevypadalo, že bychom se k nějakým blížili. Někdy v tu chvíli jsme se rozhodli udělat si přestávku a nabrat síly, sníst svačiny, sendviče, ovoce a cokoliv jsme s sebou měli. Někdy v té době jsme si začali říkat, že jdeme možná špatnou řekou...Ale protože nás to náramně bavilo, rozhodli jsme se pokračovat...

Až asi za další hodinu jsme došli na nádherné místo uprostřed ničeho s malými vodopády (nic velkého, ale bylo to nádherné a tiché místo). Tam jsme se zastavili a odpočívali. Někteří z nás využili příležitosti a vykoupali se. Ale brzy jsme museli vyrazit na zpáteční cestu, protože se připozvídalo a my jsme nechtěli mít problémy s orientací po západu slunce.

Cesta zpátky byla nakonec mnohem jednodušší - v jednu chvíli jsme opustili řeku a vydali se cestičkou mezi kávovníky. I přesto, že jsme museli překonat slušné převýšení, byla tahle cesta mnohem jednodušší než cesta řekou. Poté, co jsme vystoupali, jsme se mohli kochat nádhernými výhledy na kolumbijskou krajinu (viz fotky :))!!

Další hodinku jsme (už po západu slunce) sestupovali zpátky do civilizace a domů jsme se vrátili unavení, špinaví, ale neskutečně šťastní!!!

Všem vám moc děkuji, kamarádi!!!

Should we really go there??
A opravdu bychom tam měli chodit??
After few hours we reached "cascadas" ;)
Po několika hodinách jsme došli ke "cascadas" ;)
Evening way back with beautiful views.
Večerní cesta zpátky s krásnými výhledy.

Dorothé was really hungry...
Dorothé měla velký hlad...
...but at the end decided not to eat the little creature ;)
...ale nakonec se rozhodla to ubohé stvoření nesníst ;)
Our group - Dorothé, Oscar, Meli, Eze and Vaia.
Naše skupinka - Dorothé, Oscar, Meli, Eze a Vaia.
Finally everyone concentrated on the photographer.
Nakonec všichni soustředění na fotografa.
No comment, you need to be there...
Bez komentáře, to se musí zažít...
Like Gandalf leading the group ;)
Jako Gandalf vedoucí skupinu ;)
It's getting darker, but we can already see the civilization.
Stmívá se, ale už vidíme civilizaci.

Last views before the sunset.
Poslední pohledy před západem slunce.