So far I haven't really kept my blog up to date. On the other hand there are so many amazing things happening almost every day that I wouldn't do anything but write. And that's a good sign - that means that I don't live only a virtual life, that means that I am not afraid to go out and do things. And it also means that I have people around with whom I can do all these amazing things. Why? Because alone you can't, alone the things are not that amazing.
This weekend, even though I had different plans and really really wanted to go camping, turned out to be a nice weekend in the city. Starting on Friday with exploring new rock bar close to our place. Even though the concert wasn't the best one ever, I enjoyed the night in a great company of people I've known just for few weeks, but whom I can already proudly call friends. Saturday morning was dedicated to work in my "office" (in my favourite cafeteria). In the afternoon/evening we gathered with few friends in one cool apartment and cooked together Greek "Mplatsara" and Czech "Závin", drunk two bottles of great red wine, listened to hundreds of salsa songs and chatted about food. The night didn't end with the dinner, later we did something which I have been missing a lot - hanging out in a parque with friends and drinking Czech beer (even though I had just one bottle to share). Delicious! I finished the night at 3 a.m., no dear readers, not drunk actually pretty sober, but after loooong conversation about art, music, movies, life, love, history,...
Ok, we said, then let's do something on Sunday! And we did - we woke up...and decided to take it easy. And cancel our plan to go out of town. By coincidence I was invited for a lunch in my favourite place here - hostel Kasa Guane. I was lucky and was around just when my friend P8 was finishing his yummy soup. For exchange I offered him to make the dinner, something Czech. Around half past eight the food was ready - with a little help of my friends. And we could serve "vuřtguláš" with not-so-sweet bread, some sausages fried Czech style (ježečky) and few "bramboráky". A lot of food, hell yeah! But as the life always wants to make us happier he send in our way few more friends to help us with the food and to make our dinner experience nicer - we were nine people eating together and I loved the feeling of big family. I have already started to make plans to repeat it! (Not the same recipe though.)
These things are important, these things make my life. Little moments of sharing the joy with people around me who care. And there are many of them in my life here. So for those readers who know me and who care - you can sleep calmly, I am not alone. But it doesn't mean I don't miss you and wouldn't like to invite you to join us at the table. If I could really invite everyone I want to the table, we would need to make it on a football ground, that would be a hell of a dinner!!
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The best moments in your life are always connected to great people...Where would we be without friends? |