25. 4. 2012

Ulia Mendi - Zarautz (en)

The morning in the house of the Nine Tribes was the best start for the Camino ever. I got very nice breakfast (toast with jam and some biscuits we baked the day before :)) and coffee and I spent one hour (or more) talking to Ruth, one of the women living in the house. It was a very pleasant morning! 

Around 9 I started to walk towards San Sebastian, beautiful city with very long beach - Playa de la concha. Then I followed the way of the yellow arrows throught fields and pastures, small houses and views of the sea. 

Peculiarity of this part of the Camino well known from all guidebooks is a small stop in one small village the "peregrinos" are passing - one huge fan of the Camino made up a small stand in front of his house with free water for the pilgrims, information about the following hostels and with a stamp which everyone can freely use. One can also read here that to Santiago are leaving "only" 795km. :)

Is the rain coming?
Bude pršet?

Va a llover?
How many kilometres left? 
Kolik kilometrů zbývá?
Cuantos kilometros?
The signs in the Basque Country.
Značení v Baskicku.
Las senales en el País Vasco.
And I walked few kilometres more...
A ušla jsem pár dalších kilometrů...
Y caminaba algunos kilometros más...

People say "never turn back", but the views are sometimes worth it. 

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